
How to connect multiple cells in Excel text ("&" character or CONCATENATE)?

formula CONCATENATE in Excel How to connect multiple cells in Excel text? To link text cells in Excel you can use the concatenation operator - character "&" or function CONCATENATE (arguments)?

If you want to connect two (or more) of the cells, for example, cell B2 contains Gliwice and cell B3 contains Silesia, we apply the function:

= B2 & B3   or   = CONCATENATE (B5, B6)

but in this case there is no space. To get a space, use the following function:

= B2 & "" & B3   or   = CONCATENATE (B5, "", B6)

Screen - Excel 2010 - CONCENTATE function

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Download - How to connect multiple cells in Excel text ("&" character or CONCATENATE)

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